"I have experience with multiple species"

Zebra finches came to my breeding in 2014, three years after the first aviaries were built. What bothered me about the birds I had bred so far was that they were mainly for breeding and subsequent sale and that I had no set goal. At the time I was thinking about this, a series of articles on show zebra finches...

Holoubci diamantoví provází můj chov od začátku, když jsem měl ve společné voliéře s korelami a kakariky jeden pár, který jsem po pár úspěšných odchovech prodal a věnoval se jiným druhům. Naplno jsem se k nim vrátil v roce 2020, kdy jsem si pořídil několik párů přírodních a hnědých strak. Začal jsem se poohlížet po dalších mutacích a kombinacích,...

Australian parrots have always been represented in my breeding. In the beginning, Corellas, cockatiels, varied and Pennant's Rosellae, Red-winged and Mountain Parrots. I kept rotating these species in my breeding until I returned to mountain parrots again in 2022, when I brought in two possible splitting males to lutino with natural females. In the...